Our Church Newsletter & Calendar

Summer is here! The kids are out of school, the temperature is warming up, birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, party invitations are coming in the mail, and the city pool is open. Do you know what that means? That means it’s time to return to church … even in the summer. Below is our church calendar of activities and events, our newsletter, & missions letter. Share the love of Christ with each other, and with the world. Here is this month’s Newsletter. Feel free to download it and share it.

Come and join us on Sundays!

9 am Sunday School for all ages * 10:15 am Worship

Click here to see the most recent Newsletter &/or Calendar of Events.

We are so eager to share with you what’s going on in our church family. Are you interested in seeing our most recent newsletter, activities, and events? Click the link above to download our Newsletter &/or our calendar of events.

This is the First Baptist Church Newsletter & Calendar for the month. Get your copy & download as a PDF to any of your devices.